EasyHits4U.coma supreme manual traffic exchange program

EasyHits4U.com is a supreme manual traffic exchange program. It is on top of our list as the most reliable traffic exchange. EasyHits4U.com delivers hits to your website fast and with its geo-targeting feature you can target audience from any continet, any country at any particular day of your choice.
EasyHits4U.com was established on January 13th 2003. The owner is Mikhail Aranovsky.

The site has (at the time of this writing) 432,398 members with an average of 850,000 page views per day. About 400 members join, on average, per day, with each member surfing an average of 50 sites each and every day. The mebers are one of the most active that I have ever seen in a traffic exchange, and the results show it. One day I assigned 10,000 credits to one of my affiliate sites, limiting it to 5000 credits per day. I just wanted to see and monitor the stats for this exchange as my program was quite new (just launched type of a deal). All 10,000 credits were delivered wihin one and half days, and I had number of signups to my program. That was unbelevable.

1:1 Traffic Exchange

EasyHits4U.com is a complete traffic exchange. You can show unlimited number of websites, banners and text ads. The surfing ratio is 1:1 both for free and paid members. The difference between the two is that free members have 20 second timer and paid members 15 seconds.

Paid membership is $7.95 per month, $21.95 per 3 months, $41.95 per 6 months and $79.95 per year.
  • Premium Member Benefits - 6-tier referral program (15%-10%-5%-3%-2%-1%)
  • 500 bonus credits every month
  • 1000 banner impressions every month
  • Up to 2,500 additional bonus credits after upgrade
  • 1:1 exchange ratio on 15 seconds timer (instead of 2:1)
  • Premium members receive more traffic to their sites than regular members
  • Increased guaranteed prizes on bonus pages during surfing
  • Increased ratio for converting credits into banner impressions (1:20 instead of 1:15)
  • The support team checks sites, banners, text links and emails from our Premium members first
  • Transfer credits to other members
  • You can promote unlimited number of sites
  • Ability to hide banners in the surf frame
  • Referrals added to your account randomly from direct sign-ups

Your 1:1 Traffic Exchange

I have been upgraded member for number of years. The one thing that is most beneficial to me is the number of random signups that the EasyHits4U.com have gave me as a premium member.

You can earn money with EasyHits4U.com

  • You will receive cash for active surfing at the rate of $0.30 for 1000 sites viewed.
  • We pay you $0.10 for every person you refer who surfs 100 or more sites (one-time cash bonus for each referral).
  • You will earn commissions of up to 40% from all purchases of Easy Splash Builder and Easy Rotator tools made by your first level referrals.
Don’t forget that you can promote money making programs and build your downline as well. Please note that EasyHits4U is not a moneymaking machine. The site is designed as a traffic exchange, and the bonus that members receive for surfing is simply an added benefit.
The minimum payout amount is only $3.00. The payment is through PayPal and Alertpay. Payouts are normally done within 5-7 business days after a request has been placed using the “Cashout” link on the “Account stats” page.

easyhits4u.com;a supreme manual traffic exchange program  
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Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange
EasyHits4U.com - Your Free Traffic Exchange - 1:1 Exchange Ratio, 5-Tier Referral Program. FREE Advertising!

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